My face Benjamin Malz - The Illusion Project

About This Site

Welcome to the Page of Illusions! (Patent pending) Listen here, buddy. If you ever feel lonely, and you want a website to comfort you as if it's talking to you, well then, buddy, you've come to the wrong place. I'm hardly comforting. but I can fulfill the part of that dream where it's like the website is talking to you. Buddy, all you need to do is put your name in the box above this text and every time I call you 'buddy' it'll show your name instead. Get to it then, buddy.

The Main Illusions

Alright, buddy. If you click either of the links above, you get taken to another page with some simple illusions. Buddy, what's neat about these illusions is that I made them special - just for you. Basically, you click them, they get disproven. Pretty mind-blowing stuff. Buddy, if you value your world view, don't proceed. These'll just show you how wrong you are about everything you thought you knew. Unless you're me, in which case you've never been wrong.

Immobile Illusions

The illusions below are weird, buddy. You look at them and it looks like they're moving. They're actually static images, though, buddy. I'm not lying. There's 8 pictures there for you to check out. Just click a button to move forward or backward an image. Oh, and buddy? Don't look at them for too long, it gets terribly uncomfortable.
Headache-inducing illusions

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